Cymbal Band & Pilsen Philharmonic

Měšťanská beseda


850 CZK

Detail information

An interesting musical connection of the Milan Brouček Cymbal Band and the  PilsenPhilharmonic. You can look forward to Brahms’ famous Hungarian Dance No. 5, Bartok’s Romanian Folk Dances and also Moravian Rhapsody or Monti’s Chardas.

Cimbálová muzika Milana Broučka
Milan Brouček: housle / violin
Jan Rada: housle / violin
Anton Masnica: akordeon / accordion
Vlaďka Křenková: cimbál / cymbal
Vojta Masnica: kontrabas / double bass

Chuhei Iwasaki: dirigent / conductor

Plzeňská filharmonie 

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Měšťanská beseda


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